Our Home Featured at 6th Street Design School

Earlier in the week while I was writing the post about the blogs you liked and sharing some of my favorites, Kirsten of 6th Street Design School emailed me and said that she recently found my blog and was interested in featuring our home on her blog.  Whoa!  Seriously?!  It was so funny because her blog was one of the blogs I listed as a new daily read for me.

When I got the email, it was pretty late and I was on my computer in bed, trying to type quietly while my husband slept.   But after I got Kirsten’s message, I HAD to share!


Me:  (in a hushed voice) Honey . . . are you awake?

Him:  No.

Me:  Really?

Him:  Yes.

Long pause.

Me:  Well, one of my favorite bloggers who is an actual interior designer wants to feature our house on her blog!!!!!!!! 



Well, I knew YOU’D be excited!  Thank God for blog friends!

The next day, I got busy cleaning the kitchen, went and bought some pretty flowers, and did a little photo shoot of our kitchen so I could send them to Kirsten for the feature.  I hadn’t yet featured our kitchen here because I was waiting for the stove hood to be redesigned and installed- which just happened.  Here’s a preview of our kitchen, one of my favorite rooms in the house:

kitchen 020 

You can see 6th Street Design School’s feature on our home here.  Kirsten, thanks again!  I’m very honored.  And I had to give a shout out to our builder, and my personal friend, Chris Bolio of Bolio Custom Homes.  We collaborated closely on this project and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results.


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