baby james {13 months}

We’ve officially entered the second year and I have to say it just keeps getting better and better!!  Being a first time mom, I had no idea that my heart could contain such love.  Now that James is a little older, he’s doing more and more and continues to bring so much JOY to our lives.  Every morning I look forward to another day with him.  

He’s quite proficient at climbing up the stairs and shimmying down on his belly.  So much so that we finally installed a gate to prevent any accidents. 

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He’s also good at getting on and off of his dinosaur and riding it around the living room.

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Loves to play with his toys in his bedroom.


Still likes the pacifier, but only one kind.  I keep several in his crib for nap and bedtime and at least one in my purse but I’m really tired of chasing it down the grocery store aisles so I try to limit it.



Keeping the remotes and phones away is a challenge.


I die over his plaid shorts!  He loves those little board books and reads out lout.  So cute!


So funny how he likes to sit with one leg folded back. 


Into all the cabinet doors and drawers.  His favorite thing is to empty all the clothes out of my bottom dresser drawer in my closet while we’re in there together in the morning and I’m getting ready.  I also moved some of my kitchen plastic bowls to a place where he can play with them while I’m cooking in the kitchen.


His hair has really lightened up from the jet black mane he was born with.  And he still has blue eyes, I guess he takes after my mom since Jimmy and I both have brown eyes. 


How many family members does it take to get James ready for a bike ride??  He loooved it by the way! 


We usually go to the park on the weekends and luckily we live close enough to my awesome sis-n-law that she and her family can meet us there. 



Hi cousin!!!


Our little happy guy! 


And he’s learning to walk!!!  Watch out world!


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