Moving the Thermostat

A couple of weeks ago, I showed you the wall in our home that divides the kitchen and living room which contained the annoyingly-placed thermostat and ceiling fan remote.   I really wanted to put a piece of art there, but those two things were in the way.  The remote was easy enough to remove by simply unscrewing it from the wall and placing in a nearby kitchen drawer.


I was told that we could buy a wireless thermostat and place it on a completely different wall, but the quote for the wireless model and installation was $634!  Thankfully, our builder determined that he could move the existing thermostat to the side of the current wall, for $80, the cost of additional wires because our current wiring was too short.

He unscrewed the thermostat from the wall and I held my breath while he cut into the sheetrock.


He then reattached the thermostat to the end of the wall where it is totally inconspicuous! 


Now, we finally have some art on the wall!  And you don’t even notice the thermostat anymore!



(p.s. Did you notice I switched out the breakfast room benches for chairs?  (go back to the top to see the benches) I like it better, but now what do do with the benches??  And our dining table is missing some chairs . . . ) 

Note to self: we could have avoided this whole thermostat issue from the beginning had I known to be mindful of that!  Lots of people have the same issue with their light switches.  I saw Emily A. Clark provide a creative solution for decorating around those problems on her blog recently.  Great idea Emily!

Also, I recently shared a few easy (if I’m doing them, they better be simple!) fabric DIY projects at A Well Dressed Home.   If you haven’t visited Emily’s blog before, you will love it- she has a design style that I really admire.




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