Operation: Organize Office Closet

I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend!  We had a chance to visit with family and also do some productive things around the house.  I got one project 90% complete and it feels so good.  I hadn’t blogged about this project before because I wanted to get it (mostly) complete first.

Inside my neat and tidy office,






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Yikes! A closet full of chaos!

I am the type of person that doesn’t do well with piles of mess even when it is contained behind closed doors.  It’s like the disorganization taunts me until I can’t take it anymore.  Or, in this case, for 9 months!  All the stuff I didn’t quite know what to do with came to live here and then just kept piling up.

One Friday while James was napping, I finally tackled the project.  Of course, I wasn’t able to totally complete the job during one nap, but I was able to empty out the closet and sort the mess into specific piles.


The majority of the big bins and boxes were filled with old photo albums, photo frames we aren’t currently using, and my law school binders with old notes and outlines.  I went through everything, trashed most of the old law school stuff and donated much of the rest.

After I sorted through everything, I was able to put it away all nice and neatly.

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I used $4 Ikea wastebaskets to corral my wrapping paper and blue bins from the Container Store to hide all my mismatched old photo albums.  I already had all the brown woven boxes and they also store photos. The collage was a weekend project done years ago that contains some favorite scriptures and quotes.  It’s nice to finally see it again!


I still have a few more things I’d like to do with the space to make it even better functionally and visually, but I’m so happy that I at least tackled the organizing part! 

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